Congress Begins Week-Long Recess having Done Little So Far on Immigration
Monday, February 20, 2017
After a week during which almost all of the action on immigration took place on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the House and Senate have begun a week-long recess. Both the House and Senate are not scheduled to return to the Nation's Capitol until Monday, February 27th. Upon their return to Washington next week, both the House and Senate are scheduled to remain in Washington through Friday, April 7th, after which time they are scheduled to begin a two week-long recess. |
No congressional hearings, markups, or floor actions on immigration-, refugee-, visa-, or human trafficking-related matters are scheduled to take place on Capitol Hill this week. However, plenty of action on those matters could occur in the executive branch.
The Week's Executive Actions
- President Trump is expected to sign a new executive order this week on refugee admissions, immigration, and travel. It is expected that the new executive order will replace the embattled January 27, 2017, refugee admissions/travel ban executive order that became the subject of litigation and was partially blocked by the courts.
- Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly could make public as soon as this week memoranda providing guidance to the Department on how to implement the President's controversial January 25, 2017, border security executive order and/or its January 25, 2017 interior immigration enforcement executive order.
- President Trump could sign any or all of several additional yet-to-be-issued migration-related executive orders, including draft orders on the use of public benefits by legal immigrants, employment-based immigration, and the fate of former President Barack Obama's DACA and DAPA initiatives.
The Week's Legislative Actions
- The House and Senate are in recess.
Stay tuned to ThisWeekInImmigration.Com for highlights of the coming week's legislative and executive branch action on immigration, human trafficking, and refugee-related legislative agenda ,as well as a look ahead to likely action on those subjects once Congress returns from its recess..
See Also: