Baker and Lakshmanan Comment on Revised Refugee/Travel Ban Executive Order During This Weekend's Sunday Morning
Public Affairs Programs
Public Affairs Programs
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Click the Play Button, above, to see excerpts of instances in which the subjects of immigration or refugees were discussed during the March 12, 2017, Sunday public affairs programs.
The big subjects on the March 12, 2017, editions of the Sunday morning public affairs programs were the attempts by the Trump Administration and congressional Republicans to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act, the impending submission of President Trump's Fiscal Year 2018 budget blueprint, and the burgeoning investigations in Congress and in the Department of Justice of yet-to-be-substantiated charges that there was collusion between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russian intelligence officials in an attempt to impact the 2016 presidential election. That left (very) little room for discussions about immigration or refugees.
A summary of the immigration-related discussions on the March 12th Sunday public affairs programs follows:
A summary of the immigration-related discussions on the March 12th Sunday public affairs programs follows:
ABC - This Week: The headliner guest on the March 12, 2017, edition of ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" program was White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, who was questioned, mostly about the “Repeal and Replace” legislative effort underway in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also appearing on this weekend's program were Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), Ranking Minority Member of the House Intelligence Committee, and Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Ranking Minority Member of the House Oversight Committee. Neither Director Mulvaney nor any of the other guests addressed the subject of immigration during their appearances.
Appearing in the program's political roundtable segment this week were Republican pollster and ABC News contributor Kristen Soltis Anderson, National Review editor Rich Lowry, Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, and editor and publisher of The Nation Katrina vanden Heuvel. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
Appearing in the program's political roundtable segment this week were Republican pollster and ABC News contributor Kristen Soltis Anderson, National Review editor Rich Lowry, Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, and editor and publisher of The Nation Katrina vanden Heuvel. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
CBS - Face the Nation: The headliner guests on the March 12, 2017, edition of CBS's "Face the Nation" program was Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), who was be questioned extensively about the prospects in the House for passage of legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Also appearing on the program this week were Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Neither of them addressee the subject of immigration during their appearances.
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week were Avik Roy, President of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, a Forbes Opinion Editor and a former policy advisor to key Republicans; Ezra Klein, Editor-in-Chief of; Indira Lakshmanan, Washington Columnist for the Boston Globe; and Peter Baker, Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times. Both Baker and Lakshmanan addressed the subject of refugees.
Baker described some of the changes made in the revised executive order but said that, “beyond that, it’s still pretty similar.” He said that “it’s still stopping all refugees and all visitors from these six Muslim-majority countries for a time.” He added that “the issue is going to be will these courts look at this as basically a dressed up version of the same thing or will they see those changes as substantive enough to give it a constitutional veneer.”
Lakshmanan said that the Administration did “reversed engineer” the executive order in an attempt to pass muster with the courts. She said that “a lot of legal scholars think that this will stand up in court, although there are a lot of problems that predate anything that’s written down, which is that Donald Trump, himself, said on the campaign trail back in December of 2016, ‘I want a Muslim ban. Keep them all out.” Given that, she asserted, “there are so many things that he has said in the public record that the courts can look” that might lead them to rule that the new executive order “is really a Muslim ban dressed up as something else.”
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week were Avik Roy, President of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, a Forbes Opinion Editor and a former policy advisor to key Republicans; Ezra Klein, Editor-in-Chief of; Indira Lakshmanan, Washington Columnist for the Boston Globe; and Peter Baker, Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times. Both Baker and Lakshmanan addressed the subject of refugees.
Baker described some of the changes made in the revised executive order but said that, “beyond that, it’s still pretty similar.” He said that “it’s still stopping all refugees and all visitors from these six Muslim-majority countries for a time.” He added that “the issue is going to be will these courts look at this as basically a dressed up version of the same thing or will they see those changes as substantive enough to give it a constitutional veneer.”
Lakshmanan said that the Administration did “reversed engineer” the executive order in an attempt to pass muster with the courts. She said that “a lot of legal scholars think that this will stand up in court, although there are a lot of problems that predate anything that’s written down, which is that Donald Trump, himself, said on the campaign trail back in December of 2016, ‘I want a Muslim ban. Keep them all out.” Given that, she asserted, “there are so many things that he has said in the public record that the courts can look” that might lead them to rule that the new executive order “is really a Muslim ban dressed up as something else.”
CNN - State of the Union: The headliner guest on the March 12, 2017, edition of CNN’s “State of the Union” program was White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, who was questioned, mostly about the “Repeal and Replace” legislative effort underway in the U.S. House of Representatives. Also appearing on the program this week were Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Cory Booker (D-NJ). Neither Director Mulvaney nor the two senators addressed the subject of immigration during their appearances.
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week was former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA); Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Task Force on Immigration; Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC), Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus; and Neera Tanden, President of the Center for American Progress. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week was former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA); Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Task Force on Immigration; Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC), Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus; and Neera Tanden, President of the Center for American Progress. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
FOX - Fox News Sunday: Appearing on the March 12, 2017, edition of FOX's "Fox News Sunday" program were Gary Cohn, Director of the National Economic Council; and Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus. Neither of them addressed the subject of immigration during their appearances.
Appearing during the program's political pundits segments were Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Member and Fox News Contributor; Juan Williams, Fox News Political Analyst; Julie Pace, White House Correspondent for The Associated Press; and Michael Needham, CEO, Heritage Action for America. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
Appearing during the program's political pundits segments were Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Member and Fox News Contributor; Juan Williams, Fox News Political Analyst; Julie Pace, White House Correspondent for The Associated Press; and Michael Needham, CEO, Heritage Action for America. The panel did not address the subject of immigration.
NBC - Meet the Press: The headliner guests on the March 12, 2017, edition of NBC’s “Meet the Press” program was Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price. Also appearing on the program this week were Governor John Kasich (R-OH) and former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week were David Brooks, Columnist, The New York Times; Helene Cooper, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times; Stephanie Cutter, Former Deputy Campaign Manager for President Obama and Partner, Precision Strategies; and Rick Santelli, Editor, CNBC Business News Network.
None of the guests addressed the subject of immigration.
Appearing during the political roundtable segment of the program this week were David Brooks, Columnist, The New York Times; Helene Cooper, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times; Stephanie Cutter, Former Deputy Campaign Manager for President Obama and Partner, Precision Strategies; and Rick Santelli, Editor, CNBC Business News Network.
None of the guests addressed the subject of immigration.