Consideration of a "Repeal and Replace" Health Bill that Impacts Noncitizens, a Hearing on DHS Staffing and Security Needs, and a Hearing on Border Security Task Forces Highlight the Week's Immigration- and Refugee-Related Agenda
Monday, March 20, 2017
House floor action on the GOP's controversial "repeal and replace" health care legislation and high profile hearings on a Supreme Court nominee, Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and on unsubstantiated allegations that President Obama wiretapped soon-to-be-President Donald Trump are all likely to compete with one another for attention during what promises to be a frenetic week in Washington. Nonetheless, notwithstanding all that drama, there still is room on Capitol Hill for plenty of action during the week on immigration- and refugee matters during the week ahead. |
Committees on both sides of the Capitol Dome are holding a number of hearings during the week that could touch on immigration, refugee, or human trafficking policy. They include hearings on such subjects as the Department of Homeland Security's border and immigration enforcement staffing needs, antisemitism around the world, and the global humanitarian crisis. In addition to hearings, the House Committee on the Judiciary is scheduled to take its first actions of the new Congress on private immigration bills, the full Senate could act on a nominee whose portfolio includes jurisdiction over immigration matters, and the full House could vote on a host of noncontroversial homeland security-related bills.
Outside of Washington, the Trump Administration will likely spend some time in courtrooms this week in conjunction with court proceedings in Hawaii, Maryland, and Seattle on efforts to block key portions of President Donald J. Trump's revised refugee admissions/travel ban executive order.
In all, from the perspective of those interested in immigration, refugee, homeland security, or human trafficking policy, the week's schedule includes five hearings, one mark-up session, possible floor action on as many as 11 bills, and, possible Senate floor action on one nominee that touch on those matters.
Outside of Washington, the Trump Administration will likely spend some time in courtrooms this week in conjunction with court proceedings in Hawaii, Maryland, and Seattle on efforts to block key portions of President Donald J. Trump's revised refugee admissions/travel ban executive order.
In all, from the perspective of those interested in immigration, refugee, homeland security, or human trafficking policy, the week's schedule includes five hearings, one mark-up session, possible floor action on as many as 11 bills, and, possible Senate floor action on one nominee that touch on those matters.
The Week's Executive Branch Actions
The following executive branch actions that could either reference immigration, refugee, or human trafficking policy or that could significantly impact policy in those areas are scheduled, likely, or possible this week:
- Litigation Relating to Refugee Admissions/Travel Ban Executive Order: The Department of Justice is expected this week to continue actions in courts around the country to defend the President's March 6, 2017, refugee admissions/travel ban executive order.
The Week's House and Senate Floor Actions
The following House or Senate floor actions that could either reference immigration, refugee, or human trafficking policy or that could significantly impact policy in those areas are scheduled, likely, or possible this week:
- House Floor Consideration of "Repeal and Replace" Health Care Bill: Full House consideration of the "American Health Care Act of 2017", legislation that would largely repeal the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", a measure that is popularly known as "Obamacare", and replace it with a new health insurance regime. The measure contains at least one provision that could have a significant negative impact on noncitizens.
- House Floor Consideration of Nine Homeland Security Bills: Full House consideration of nine noncontroversial homeland security bills that were approved earlier this month by the House Committee on Homeland Security.
- Senate Floor Consideration of FY '17 Defense Appropriations Act: Possible full Senate consideration of the House-passed version of H.R. 1301, the FY '17 Department of Defense Appropriations Act., which has been stripped of a provision from last year's version that would have barred housing unaccompanied alien children on military facilities.
- Senate Floor Consideration of Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Nomination: Possible full Senate consideration of the nomination of Elaine C. Duke to be Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.
The Week's House and Senate Markups
The following business meetings are scheduled for the week, during which measures that either contain significant immigration- or refugee-related provisions or that could be targets for amendments on those subjects could be marked up:
- Request for Information on Private Immigration Bills: A House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security business meeting, during which it will adopt its Rules of Procedure and Statement of Policy for Private Immigration Bills and take up requests for reports on the beneficiaries of three private immigration bills.
The Week's House and Senate Hearings
The following hearings featuring immigration- or refugee-related themes or subjects are scheduled in the House or Senate this week:
- Hearing on DHS Staffing and Security Requirements: A Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing titled, "Perspectives from the DHS Frontline: Evaluating Staffing Resources and Requirements."
- Hearing on Global Humanitarian Affairs: A Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing titled, "Flashing Red: The State of Global Humanitarian Affairs."
- Hearing on Border Security Task Forces: A House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing titled, "Defeating a Sophisticated and Dangerous Adversary: Are the New Border Security Task Forces the Right Approach?"
- Oversight Hearing on the Operations of the Department of Justice: A House Committee on the Judiciary hearing titled, "Examining Systemic Management and Fiscal Challenges within the Department of Justice."
- Hearing on Anti-Semitism Around the World: A House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing titled, "Anti-Semitism Across Borders."
See Also: