This Week in Immigration
This Week on the Hill
Week Beginning February 6, 2017
(Last Updated: February 14, 2017 at 12:58 pm EST)
ThisWeekInImmigration.Com's "This Week on the Hill" page lists the immigration-, human trafficking-, and refugee-related hearings, markups, and floor actions that either have been officially scheduled or that are anticipated to occur during the current week.
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
This Week's Hearings
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
- Secretary Kelly to Testify at Hearing on Border Security: The House Committee on Homeland Security and its Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security have scheduled a joint hearing for this week titled, "Ending the Crisis: America's Borders and the Path to Security." The hearing is scheduled for 10:00 am on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, in Room CVC-210 of the Capitol Visitors Center.
Anticipated Witnesses. At the time of this writing, two panels of witnesses are scheduled to testify at the hearing.
Panel I
The sole witness on the first panel will be Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly.
Panel II
Testifying on the second panel will be Mr. Steve C. McCraw, Director, Texas Department of Homeland Security; Mr. Joe Frank Martinez, Sheriff, Val Verde County, Texas; Mr. Leon N. Wilmot, Sheriff, Yuma County, Arizona; and Honorable Eddie Treviño, Jr., County Judge, Cameron County, Texas.
This Week's Markups
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Markups
This Week's Floor Actions
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Floor Activity
This Week's Hearings
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Hearings
This Week's Markups
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Markups
This Week's Floor Actions
- Full Senate to Take Up Nomination of Attorney General-Designate Sessions: The full Senate this week is expected to take up the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to be Attorney General of the United States. Should he be confirmed, he would head the Department of Justice, which operates the United States immigration court system.
Parliamentary Situation. The Senate is expected to begin formal skirmishing over the nomination on Tuesday, February 7, following disposition of the President’s controversial nomination for Secretary of Education. At that time the Senate will likely face a vote on whether to invoke cloture on the nomination. If cloture is eventually invoked, the Senate will then begin up to 30 hours of debate on it, which could set up a final vote by Thursday.
Under a 2013 precedent set by the Senate, a simple majority will be needed to proceed to the 30 hours of debate on the nomination.
Outlook. The full Senate is almost certain to confirm the nomination.
- Full Senate to Take Up Nomination of Secretary of Health and Human Services-Designate Tom Price: The Senate this week could take up the nomination of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be Secretary of Health and Human Services. Should he be confirmed, he would head the Department of Health and Human Services, which operates the nation’s refugee resettlement, human trafficking victim assistance, torture victim assistance, and unaccompanied alien child programs and activities.
Parliamentary Situation. The Senate is expected to begin formal skirmishing over the nomination on Thursday, February 9, following disposition of the President’s nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to be Attorney General of the United States. At that time the Senate will likely face a vote on whether to invoke cloture on the nomination. If cloture is eventually invoked, the Senate will then begin up to 30 hours of debate on it, which could set up a final vote by week's end.
Under a 2013 precedent set by the Senate, a simple majority will be needed to proceed to the 30 hours of debate on the nomination.
Outlook. At the time of this writing, it seems highly likely that the full Senate will confirm Secretary-Designate Price’s nomination.
Hearings and Briefings
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Legislative Activity
This Week's Activities
No Scheduled Immigration-, Human Trafficking, or Refugee-Related Legislative Activity