This Week in Immigration
Top Documents
Monday, July 11, 2016
(Last Updated: July 11, 2016 at 2:54 pm EDT)
(Last Updated: July 11, 2016 at 2:54 pm EDT)'s "Top Documents" page contain links to selected key documents of importance or relevance to immigration-, human trafficking, and refugee-related legislation.
Dear Colleagues
Draft Bills and Resolutions
FY '17 Appropriations Bills
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Agriculture Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of FY '17 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Committee Report
- Chairman's Mark of House FY 17 Defense Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill Committee Report
- Chairman's Mark of House FY ;17 Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of FY '17 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Operations Committee Report
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Bill Committee Report
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 Transportation, HUD, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of Committee Report Accompanying FY '17 Commerce, Justice, Science, Appropriations Bill
- Chairman's Mark of House Committee Report Accompanying FY '17 Transportation-HUD, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill
Pre-Introduction Versions of Authorization Bills
- Pre-Introduction Version of S. 2632, the "Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2016" (Cassidy)
- Pre-Introduction Version of H.R. 4722, Requirement for Social Security Number to Claim Refundable Child Tax Credit (Johnson)
- Pre-Introduction Version of H.R. 4731, the "Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016" (Labrador)
- Pre-Introduction Version of H. Res. 639, a Resolution Approving the Filing of an Amicus Brief in Case of U.S. v. Texas (Ryan)
- Pre-Introduction Version of FY '17 Budget Resolution (Price)
- Pre-Introduction Version of H.R. 5203, the "Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016" (Forbes)
Other Draft Measures
- Corker Substitute Amendment to S. 553, "End Modern Slavery Initiative Act of 2016" (Corker)
- Discussion Draft of the H.R. 4731, the “Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016" ("Labrador)
- Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Budget Resolution (Price)
- Justification for Chairman's Mark of House FY '17 Budget Resolution
- H.R. 3586, as Amended in the House Committee on Homeland Security
- H.R. 4482, as Ordered Reported by the House Committee on Homeland Security
- Chairman's Mark of Senate FY '17 State Department Authorization Bill
Immigration-Related Committee Amendments Submitted to the FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
- Carter Managers Amendment to FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
- Aderholt Amendment to FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
- Harris Amendment to the FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
- Culberson Amendment to FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
- Amoedi Amendment to FY '17 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
Immigration-Related Floor Amendments Submitted to the FY '17 C-J-S Appropriations Bill
- Cornyn Reimburse Cost of Transporting Remains of Undocumented Aliens Floor Amendment (4838) to H.R. 2578
- Cruz Expatriate Terrorist Act Floor Amendment (4718) to H.R. 2578
- Cruz Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Floor Amendment (4764) to H.R. 2578
- Flake Operation Streamline Floor Amendment (4810) to H.R. 2578
- Inhofe Indefinite Detention of Dangerous Aliens Floor Amendment (4732) to H.R. 2578
- Reid Counsel for Unaccompanied Alien Children Floor Amendment (4757) to H.R. 2578
- Sasse No Funding for DOJ Lawyers Who Lie Floor Amendment (4838) to H.R. 2578
- Sasse Condemnation of DOJ Lawyers in U.S. v. Texas Case Floor Amendment (4839) to H.R. 2578
- Toomey Deny Federal Funding for Sanctuary Cities Floor Amendment (4785) to H.R. 2578
- Vitter Decennial Census and Undocumented Aliens Floor Amendment (4687) to H.R. 2578
Immigration-Related Floor Amendments Submitted to the FY '17 Defense Authorization Bill
- Feinstein Prohibition on Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens and LPRs Floor Amendment (4646) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Heitkamp Northern Border Threat Analysis Floor Amendment (4081) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Heitkamp Northern Border Threat Analysis Floor Amendment (4462) to S. 2843, FY '17 NDAA
- Kirk Special Immigrant Afghan and Iraqi Prioritization Floor Amendment (4288) to S. 2943, FY ;17 NDAA
- Lee Prohibition on Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens and LPRs Floor Amendment (4448) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Gillibrand Border Security Enforcement Transparency Floor Amendment (4349) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Roberts Guantanamo Transfer Reprogramming Floor Amendment (4119) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Shaheen Afghan Translator Special Immigrant Visa Floor Amendment (4604) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Grassley Afghan Translator Special Immigrant Floor Amendment (4435) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Blumenthal Trafficking in Government Contracting floor Amendment (4395) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- McCain Camp Liberty Refugee Resettlement Floor Amendment (4400) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Vitter Termination of LPR Status for Afghan Returnees Floor Amendment (4515) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
- Vitter Repeal Authority to Admit Undocumented Aliens in the U.S. Armed Services Amendment (4570) to S. 2943, FY '17 NDAA
Immigration-Related Floor Amendments Submitted to the FY '16 Defense Authorization Bill
- Grassley Visa Revocation Amendment (SA 1918) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Kirk DACA Beneficiaries Enlistment Amendment (SA 1776) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- McCain Border Security Metrics Amendment (SA 1632) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- McCain Border Patrol Access to Federal Lands Amendment (SA 1633) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Written Concurrence Before Admitting Afghan Translator SIVs Amendment (SA 1805) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Indefinite Detention Amendment (SA 1919) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Mandatory Use of E-Verify System Amendment (SA 1920) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Deny EITC to DACA and DAPA Beneficiaries Amendment (SA 1969) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Non-Contiguous UACs, SIJV, and Child Asylum Seekers Amendment (SA 1970) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Sessions Rollback of Asylum Protections Amendment (SA 1971) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Vitter Repeal of Authority to Authorize the Enlistment of Undocumented Aliens Amendment (SA 1973) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Vitter Birthright Citizenship Amendment (SA 1972) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Heller DREAMer Enlist in the Military Sense of the Senate Amendment (SA 1894) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
- Heller DREAMers Enlist in the Military Amendment (SA 1895) to FY '16 DOD Authorization Bill
House Armed Services Committee Amendments to H.R. 4909, the "Defense Authorization Act of 2017"
- Bridenstine Committee Amendment on UACs to H.R. 4909, FY '17 Defense Authorization Bill
- Gallego Committee DACA Enlistment Amendment to H.R. 4099, FY '17 Defense Authorization Bill
- Thornberry Substitute for Gallego Committee DACA Enlistment Amendment to H.R. 4099, FY '17 Defense Authorization Bill
- Moulton Committee Amendment on Afghan Translator SIVs to H.R. 4909, FY '17 DOD Authorization Bill
- Conaway Committee Amendment on Polygraph Tests to H.R. 4909, FY '17 DOD Authorization Bill
- Veasey Committee Amendment on DACA and Military Academies to H.R. 4909, FY '17 DOD Authorization Bill
House Judiciary Committee Amendments to H.R. 4731, the "Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016"
- Poe Amendment to H.R. 4731, the "Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016"
- King Amendment to H.R. 4731, the "Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act of 2016"
Senate Floor Amendments to H.R. 4038, the "American SAFE Act"
- Thune Amendment 2946 (Governor Veto of Resettlement in their States) to H.R. 4038
- Thune Amendment 2945 (Information to Governors on Refugees Resettled in their States) to H.R. 4038
- Kirk Amendment 2948 (State Notification of Refugees Resettled in their States) to H.R. 4038
- Flake Amendment 2950 (Eliminate Visa Waiver Exclusion for Dual Nationals) to H.R. 4038
- Kirk Amendment 2949 (Prioritization of Special Immigrant Iraqi and Afghan Translators) to H.R. 4038
- Flake Amendment 2951 (Permit the Delegation of Certification Responsibilities) to H.R. 4038
- Kirk Amendment 2947 (Promotion of Terrorism Through Social Media) to H.R. 4038
Senate Floor Amendments to S. 524, the "Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016"
Senate Floor Amendments to H.R. 636, FAA Reauthorization Bill
- Rubio Cuban Refugee Benefits Floor Amendment 3722 to H.R. 636, FAA Reauthorization Bill
- Flake VIsa Waiver Dual National Amendment 3556 to H.R. 636, FAA Reauthorization Bill
- Sessions Automated Entry and Exit System Amendment 3591 to H.R. 636, FAA Reauthorization Bill
- Ayotte Northern Border Threat Analysis Amendment 3752 to H.R. 636, FAA Reauthorization Bill
Other Amendments
- Leahy Trump Amendment to S. 1318, the "Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Safety of Maritime Navigation Act"
- Ros-Lehtinen Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H. Res. 343
- Yarmuth Immigration Amendment to H. Con. Res. 125, Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Resolution
- Brady Substitute Amendment to H.R. 4722, Requirement for Social Security Number to Claim Refundable Child Tax Credit
- Corker Committee Managers Amendment to Senate FY '17 State Department Authorization Bill
- McConnell (for Corker) Floor Amendment 3886 to S. 1635, FY '16 State Department Authorization Bill
- Culberson Managers Amendment to House FY '17 C-J-S Bill
- Hurd Substitute for H.R. 5253, the "Strong Visa Integrity Secures America Act"
House Hearings and Markups
February, 2016
- House Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Terrorist Infiltration through Refugee and Visa Programs - February 3, 2016
- House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee Hearing on the Surge of UACs on the Southwest Border - February 4, 2016
- House Homeland Security Committee Hearing on implementation of new Visa Waiver Program Law - February 10, 2016
- House Judiciary Committee hearing on the EB-5 Investor Visa program - February 11, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security hearing on the FY '17 DHS Budget - February 24, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Hearing on the FY '17 DOS Budget - February 24, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science Hearing on the FY '17 DOJ Budget - February 24, 2016
- House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Hearing on the FY '17 HHS Budget - February 24, 2016
- House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on the FY '17 DOS Budget - February 25, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education Hearing on the FY '17 HHS Budget - February 25, 2016
March, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Hearing on FY '17 CBP Budget - March 1, 2016
- House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security Hearing on Border Situational Awareness - March 1, 2016
- House Education and the Workforce Hearing on Policies and Priorities of the Department of HHS - March 15, 2016
- House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on FY '17 Budget for USAID - March 15, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Hearing on the FY '17 Budget for the USAID - March 16, 2016
- House Homeland Security Committee Hearing on FY '17 Budget for the Department of Homeland Security - March 16, 2016
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Hearing on FY '17 Budget for ICE - Thursday, March 17, 2016
- House Homeland Security Committee Markup of H.R. 4482, Southwest Border Security Threat Assessment - March 23, 2016
- House Oversight and Government Reform Joint Subcommittee Hearing on Border Issues - March 23, 2016
April, 2016
- House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security Hearing on Criminal Aliens - April 19, 2016
- House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing on FY '17 Budget Priorities for the Western Hemisphere - April 27, 2016
- House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Hearing on Criminal Aliens Released by DHS - April 28, 2016
May, 2016
June, 2016
Senate Hearings and Markups
January, 2016
February, 2016
- Senate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee Hearing on the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, February 2, 2016
- Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the Release and Treatment of UACs - February 23, 2016
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on the FY '17 DOS Budget - February 23, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Hearing on the FY '17 DHS Budget - February 24, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Hearing on the FY '17 DOS Budget - February 24, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science Hearing on the FY '17 DOJ Budget - February 25, 2016
March, 2016
- Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on DOS and USAID Management Hearing on FY '17 USAID Budget - March 1, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education Hearing on FY '17 HHS Budget - March 3, 2016
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing on FY '17 DHS Appropriations - March 8, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Hearing on FY '17 ICE and CBP Budgets - March 8, 2016
- Senate Judiciary Committee Oversight Hearing on the Operations of the Department of Justice - March 9, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Hearing on FY '17 USAID Budget - March 15, 2016
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing on Security of U.S. Visa Programs - March 15, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security Hearing on the FY '17 ICE Budget - March 17, 2016
April, 2016
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Hearing on Extremism and Foreign Assistance - April 12, 2016
- Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the EB-5 Investor Visa Program - April 13, 2016
- Senate Foreign Relation Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Hearing on FY '17 State Department Budget - April 26, 2016
May, 2016
- Senate Finance Committee Oversight Hearing on the Operations of CBP - May 11, 2016
- Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest Hearing on Obama Immigration Policies - May 19, 2016
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing on the ISIS Threat to the U.S. - May 26, 2016
June, 2016
White House Transcripts
March, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Tuesday, March 1, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Wednesday, March 2, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Friday, March 4, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Monday, March 7, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Tuesday, March 8, 2016
- White House Daily Briefing Transcript - Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Letters to House Budget Committee
Letters to the President of the United States
- None Listed
Letters to Department of Homeland Security
- McCarthy Letter to Secretaries Jeh Johnson and John Kerry on Implementation of Visa Waiver Program - December 22, 2015
- Grassley-Cornyn Letter to Secretaries Burwell and Johnson on the Release and Placement of UACs - February 17, 2016
- Goodlatte-Grassley Letter to Secretary Jeh Johnson on Release by ICE of Several Criminal Aliens - March 2, 2016
- Grassley-Lee Letter to Secretary Jeh Johnson on Advance Parole of DACA Recipients - March 2, 2016
Letters to Department of Health and Human Services
Letters to Department of State
Unaccompanied Alien Children
Congressional Record Excerpts
Staff and Task Force Reports
- Report of House Homeland Security Committee Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel - September, 2015
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Report on the State of America's Border Security - November 23, 2015
- Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Staff Report on UACs - January 28, 2016
- Appendix to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Staff Report on UACs - January 28, 2016
Supreme Court Briefs
- Obama Administration Supreme Court Brief in Case of U.S. v. Texas, March 1, 2016
- State of Texas Supreme Court Brief in Case of U..S. v. Texas March 18, 2016
- House and Senate Democrats Supreme Court Brief inthe Case of U.S. v. Texas, March 8, 2016
- U.S. House of Representatives Supreme Court Brief in Case of U.S. v. Texas, April 4, 2016
- Senate Republicans Supreme Court Brief in Case of U.S. v. Texas, April 4, 2016
Committee Roll Call Votes
- House Budget Committee Vote on Yarmuth Immigration Amendment to FY '17 Budget Resolution - March 16, 2016
- House Budget Committee Vote on Reporting H. Con. Res. 125, FY '17 Budget Resolution, to the Full House - March 16, 2016
- House Ways and Means Committee Vote on Reporting H.R. 4722 to the full House - March 16, 2016
- House Armed Services Committee Vote on Bridenstine UAC Amendment to H.R. 4909 - April 2, 2016