Dueling House and Senate Policing Bills Highlight the Congressional Agenda During the Week Ahead
Monday, June 22, 2020

Now that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has finally issued its long-awaited ruling on the legality of the Trump Administration's efforts to rescind the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, immigration policymakers and stakeholders have slowly begun to turn their attention back to the more mundane aspects of immigration law and policymaking in Washington, such as poring through and examining the contents of appropriations and authorization bills and writing questions to be asked by legislators during tedious oversight hearings.
DACA Not Over. To be sure, the battle over DACA is far from over. Enactment of legislation will be necessary in order to bring certainty, finality, and true peace of mind to the beneficiaries of the program, as well as to bring finality to the much larger class of DREAMERs from whom DACA beneficiaries are derived. Given the politically polarized environment that now exits in Washington, the prospect of the House, Senate, and President coming to an agreement that would permit such legislation to be enacted seems virtually impossible. In the meantime, President Trump signaled via Twitter late last week that his Administration may soon make another attempt to bring the popular program to an end.
Other Immigration and Refugee Priorities. In addition to the continuing battles over DACA, the coming weeks also will see skirmishing between the White House, Democrats in Congress, and stakeholders over a number of other immigration issues. This includes a host of administrative actions that the Trump Administration has taken on asylum, refugee, and immigration matters that stakeholders and policy makers are fighting in the courts as well as in the public arena. And it includes negotiations that are expected to begin soon on COVID-19 relief legislation and how that legislation might or might not help immigrants and refugees who are suffering because of the health or economic upheaval that the disease has caused..
The Coming Week. As far as the week beginning June 22 is concerned, from the perspective of those interested in immigration, refugee, homeland security, or human trafficking policy, the week's schedule includes three hearings or briefings (two occurring in the House and the other in the Senate); no markup sessions; and two floor actions (one occurring in the House); and the other in the Senate) that either will or could touch on one or more of those subjects.
Other Immigration and Refugee Priorities. In addition to the continuing battles over DACA, the coming weeks also will see skirmishing between the White House, Democrats in Congress, and stakeholders over a number of other immigration issues. This includes a host of administrative actions that the Trump Administration has taken on asylum, refugee, and immigration matters that stakeholders and policy makers are fighting in the courts as well as in the public arena. And it includes negotiations that are expected to begin soon on COVID-19 relief legislation and how that legislation might or might not help immigrants and refugees who are suffering because of the health or economic upheaval that the disease has caused..
The Coming Week. As far as the week beginning June 22 is concerned, from the perspective of those interested in immigration, refugee, homeland security, or human trafficking policy, the week's schedule includes three hearings or briefings (two occurring in the House and the other in the Senate); no markup sessions; and two floor actions (one occurring in the House); and the other in the Senate) that either will or could touch on one or more of those subjects.
The Week's House and Senate Floor Activity
- House Floor Consideration of the "Justice in Policing Act of 2020": The full U.S. House of Representatives is expected this week to take up H.R. 7120, the "Justice in Policing Act of 2020", which contains several immigration-related provisions.
- Senate Floor Consideration of the "JUSTICE Act": The full U.S. Senate is expected this week to begin parliamentary skirmishing in connection with the Senate Majority Leader's effort to bring S. 3985, the “Just and Unifying Solutions To Invigorate Communities Everywhere Act of 2020” or the “JUSTICE Act” to the Senate floor. While the measure does not contain any immigration provisions, it could become the target for immigration-related floor amendments.
The Week's House and Senate Markup
At the time of this writing, no measures that contain significant immigration-, refugee-, or human trafficking-related provisions or that could become a target for amendments on those subjects are scheduled for markup in House or Senate committees during the week beginning June 22, 2020:
The Week's House and Senate Hearings and Briefing
- Hearing on Customs and Border Protection Oversight: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has scheduled a hearing for this week titled, "CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Oversight: Examining the Evolving Challenges Facing the Agency."
- Members Day Appropriations Hearing: The House Committee on Appropriations has scheduled a hearing for this week to receive testimony from Members of Congress on their appropriations priorities for fiscal year 2021.
- Hearing on Federal Courts During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet has scheduled a hearing for this week titled, "Federal Courts During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices, Opportunities for Innovation, and Lessons for the Future."